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Happy Thanksgiving! (Closed in observance of the Holiday Wednesday, November 27, and Thursday, November 28, 2019)

Date Posted: 11/20/2019
Category: Holiday Messages

With Thanksgiving approaching and the holidays just around the corner, I want to take this opportunity to thank every one of our staff members, our residents, and members of our community - thank you for making our community a wonderful place to live and work. Every day I am reminded of how lucky I am to be surrounded by such exceptional people.

In addition to extending my deepest gratitude and well wishes to our residents and staff, I want to wish everyone safe travels during the Thanksgiving weekend, for those who are visiting family and friends in other cities and states. The holiday season tends to bring increased traffic on the roads, so please travel safely!

As always, my staff and I are available at our office, if we can ever be of assistance. I hope you have a joyous and safe Thanksgiving holiday!

Jaime Steen, Executive Director

Happy Thanksgiving. Autumn Leaves.